12:05 failed cooking prompt. my period stops and i lose the dripping blood moodlet and the flirty moodlet goes away. i get the happy comfortable moodlet from sitting on the expensive chair (lol cuz irl the chairs we have nat found for free on the side of the road). wendy reacts to the smell
12:07 mimi reacts to the smell. wendy thinks of a picture and leaves to go look at it
12:09 i react to the smell. sam leaves the living room and enters the kitchen
12:12 mimi goes to where wendy was standing. sam replaces mimi at the counter and starts chopping cabbage
12:13 mimi reacts to dirty surroundings
12:16 mimi reacts to her smell
12:18 mimi complains about low hunger and sam complains about lack of sleep
12:20 milner exits sam’s room. i get a queued prompt to resume pasta primavera. it fails
12:24 sam stops chopping halfway and waddles through the counter and trashcans to get around mimi. he heads to the living room and naps on the grey couch
12:30 mimi walks to the counter and resumes chopping where sam left off. she starts with the yellow peppers
12:34 prompt
12:38 the blt’s on the counter finally become spoiled
12:39 mimi reacts to the smell
12:45 mimi ends her prompt. my energy bar turns yellow
12:49 cooking prompt
12:52 i look around and remain seated. my bladder bar turns yellow
1:03 i think about pepto bismol and react negatively
1:06 primavera prompt
1:08 it fails. mimi complains about the smell. sam wakes up in the living room
1:10 sam complains about low hunger. wendy enters the kitchen area from sam’s room
1:12 mimi walks away from the counter and floats through wendy as she walks to stand a bit next to mimi.
1:13 mimi stands and complains about lack of sleep
1:15 sam reacts to the smell. wendy goes to stand in front of the fish tacos board
1:16 mimi complains about low fun. wendy cuts herself on the knife straight away
1:18 sam starts napping again
1:20 wendy cuts herself again. mimi yawns and complains of lack of sleep
1:22 primavera prompt
1:25 it fails. mimi thinks of her bed and heads down the hall to sleep. i react to the smell
1:29 wendy finishes her chopping prompt
1:31 wendy restarts chopping cabbage
1:38 primavera prompt queues. my bladder bar turns orange and i get the has to pee moodlet
1:41 primavera prompt fails
1:44 wendy reacts to the smell
1:47 wendy reacts to her smell
1:49 i finally stand up
1:51 wendy and i both complain about low fun. sam wakes up in the living room and pees himself.
1:53 i get a prompt to go watch romance on my monitor.
1:58 i waddle into my room. my broken computer is still ringing away
2:01 i complain about low fun as i sit down and turn on Romance
2:04 a title screen plays and it shows a landscape shot of a giant mansion
2:05 i complain of low hunger
2:07 it shows a long table in a dining room
2:08 cut to a old lady and younger woman in vintage formal wear
2:09 a crowd of people wave goodbye to a young man in a suit and a teal convertible classic car. i complain about needing to pee
2:13 the man drives down a road and his car blows up. i think about red high heeled shoes
2:16 pasta primavera prompt that immediately x’s out. there was a brief shot of men looking through prison bars but now it shows a woman walking into a room
2:17 i turn off my monitor and stand up. i get a queued primavera prompt again. it fails
2:23 two prompts
2:24 prompt
2:25 one
2:27 one
2:28 one
2:30 two
2:31 two
2:33 two
2:34 primavera prompt that fully queues. i react to the smell. i realize my whims have changed to wanting to watch tv and play in leaf pile
2:37 the primavera prompt fails
2:39 two
2:40 one and then a fully queued prompt. it fails and another one immediately after that
2:42 three
2:44 two
2:45 three
2:47 two
2:49 one
2:50 two
2:51 two
2:52 two
2:54 two
2:56 two
2:58 two
3:00 one. two more
3:03 one
3:05 i react to the smell
3:07 i get a prompt to admire a sketchbook in sam’s room. i think of it as i waddle out of my room
3:13 i slowly make my way to sam’s room. wendy is chopping away at the fish taco board
3:17 i enter sam’s room. he is standing looking at a poster and complaining about lack of sleep. i make my way to his desk to look at the sketchbook. for some reason i get the unpleasant surroundings moodlet when i’m in his room but not in mine.
3:24 sam exits his room. my fun bar turns yellow and i lose the needs amusement moodlet
3:28 wendy reaches cooking level 6
3:38 i finish viewing and think of a sweaty sock. i get a primavera prompt queued. i get the inspiring decor moodlet
3:40 my bladder bar turns red and i get the really has to pee moodlet. i wave around asking for a toilet
3:43 the prompt to use the toilet activates before the primavera prompt does and i think of the toilet as i waddle out of sam’s room and head to my bathroom
3:48 my energy bar turns orange and i get the low battery moodlet
3:50 wendy is still chopping away and takes a pause ot react to the smell
3:53 wendy complains about loneliness as i enter the bathroom
3:57 i sit down get naked and pee. i lose the really has to pee moodlet as my bladder bar fills up again
4:01 i complain about lack of sleep and yawn
4:05 i finish peeing and react to my smell
4:10 i stand up and my clothes reappear. i turn around and flush the toilet and it breaks. now i have no option but to pee my pants in the future
4:11 i get a queued prompt to browse the web on my phone
4:12 i react to my smell
4:17 i browse the web on my phone and think about boxing gloves. i scratch the side of my face
4:33 i complain about low hunger and i get a primavera prompt.
4:35 the prompt fails
4:38 i get a prompt to serve pan fried tilapia and i exit the bathroom
4:42 the sun rises and light fills the house. i open my fridge to get ingredients
4:44 i bring out the packet of fish and the prompt disappears. wendy finishes her prompt and stands in front of the now empty board
4:51 i get a queued prompt to have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable wendy. she thinks of me as we walk towards each other
4:54 i react to my smell and wendy reacts to the smell of the room
4:58 wendy reacts to dirty surroundings
5:02 i sit down at the kitchen table. wendy walks to the other side of me and reacts to the dirty surroundings again
5:07 she reacts again
5:09 she finally sits down and thinks of me as the chat prompt activates
5:12 she talks about a cd
5:16 i get a queued prompt to grudge
5:17 it disappears
5:21 i talk about a red race car
5:24 i talk about the temperature with wendy. she talks about the cold weather. i get a queued prompt to grudge again
5:25 the grudge disappears. our conversation turns from casual to pleasant
5:27 we get a friendship boost and i talk about a bassinet. we start to gossip
5:35 sam walks out of his room and wendy stands up and our chat prompt disappears
5:36 i think of a thumbs down and wendy complains about lack of sleep
5:39 sam starts polishing the counter and the board disappears momentarily
5:42 wendy leaves the kitchen and heads down the hall
5:52 i get a queued prompt to nap in my bed
5:55 it activates and i stand up
5:58 sam thinks of a bed and floats through me to get out of the kitchen. i react to the smell
6:01 sam goes to the living room. my prompt activates and i think of a bed as i head to my room
6:07 i lay on my bed and fall asleep
6:14 i yawn
6:17 i groan
6:22 we all sleep and it fast forwards
8:01 i wake up. i’ve lost most of my moodlets except for ravenous, filthy, and happiness at the dust level. my tv whim has been replaced by the whim of wanting to be inspired. i get a queued prompt to nap again
8:02 i react to my smell and try not to throw up
8:03 i think of my bed again
8:06 i nap again
8:07 i groan
8:14 i groan
8:22 i get a queued prompt to cook
8:26 i groan
8:45 wendy reached video game level 5
8:55 my prompt has changed from cook to resume fish tacos. i get the decorated moodlet and the feeling sad moodlet. 6 hours until i starve to death
9:10 i groan
9:25 i groan
9:26 i groan
9:37 i groan
9:46 i groan
9:53 i yawn
10:04 my sleep bar turns green
10:12 i groan
10:25 i wake up and am very uncomfortable
10:28 i react to the smell and the fish tacos prompt activates
10:31 i leave my room. sam is mopping in front of his fridge. the dust bunny is still there hanging out
10:34 i head to the counter. milner and wendy are sitting down. milner is talking about a mean mouth
10:37 wendy thinks about a bed and goes to the living room to nap. sam starts mopping in front of the kitchen sink
10:39 i complain of low hunger and the fish taco prompt disappears
10:42 i react to my smell
10:45 i stretch my back
10:48 i walk away from the counter
10:51 i get a queued prompt to resume pan fried tilapia
10:54 milner stands up and reacts to the smell. sam thinks of a new puddle and sets off to mop somewhere else
10:55 the tilapia prompt fails
10:57 milner begs for a toilet
10:59 milner complains of low hunger
11:02 prompt. milner complains of their smell. mimi enters the kitchen
11:04 prompt. i react to the smell. mimi goes to the board. milner complains of low fun
11:07 prompt fails. mimi reacts to the smell
11:11 mimi starts chopping cabbage. prompt
11:14 one
11:15 two
11:17 one
11:22 one
11:23 mimi finishes her animation. prompt
11:24 one. mimi needs to use the restroom. milner reacts to the smell
11:27 three
11:29 two
11:31 two
11:33 two. mimi complains about needing to pee again
11:36 one. i get an active prompt to serve fish tacos. milner complains about low fun
11:38 mimi reacts to the smell and then low hunger
11:41 two
11:43 mimi reacts to her smell
11:44 a thunderstorm starts and i get the scared of thunderstorms moodlet
11:50 milner thinks of a ceiling fan and goes to view it in the kitchen.
11:53 the prompt disappears. another prompt error happens
11:55 two. milner thinks of fancy food and enjoys the smell from mimi chopping up fish taco ingredients
11:58 two
12:00 two
12:01 mimi stops her animation and i get a prompt to serve fish tacos
12:03 milner reacts to the smell
12:06 mimi reacts to the smell
12:07 sam enters the kitchen and starts mopping by the sink
12:11 i react to the smell
12:14 i float through mimi and approach the board. milner complains about needing to pee
12:18 i start chopping cabbage
12:20 sam finishes mopping and heads out. milner enjoys the smell of me chopping ingredients
12:25 thunder
12:27 wendy wakes up and complains about needing to pee. my energy bar turns yellow
12:31 i get a prompt to resume pan fried tilapia and then resume fish tacos afterwards
12:33 the prompts all collapse and i start to chop cabbage again. three hours until i starve to death. wendy complains of low hunger too
12:37 wendy complains about lack of sleep
12:45 mimi thinks of a folding screen and leaves the kitchen
12:47 wendy reacts to the smell
12:49 wendy reacts to low fun. bills are delivered. we owe 5,952 simoleons but we can’t pay since sims can’t pay on their own. i react to the smell
12:53 i complain of low hunger and point to my mouth and yell
12:54 thunder
12:56 i react to my smell. wendy leaves the living room
12:59 i react to the smell of the room. wendy feeds the dust bunny
1:11 prompt. wendy complains of low fun
1:14 prompt
1:15 wendy reacts to the smell. mimi comes in from down the hall. i get a prompt to resume fish tacos
1:17 i start chopping cabbage again
1:20 sam walks through the kitchen from down the hall as well
1:25 he goes to the beige couch and naps. wendy also goes to the living room to nap
1:27 i react to the smell. thunder
1:35 i get the stacked prompts of resuming tilapia and then fish tacos. i get the needs amusement moodlet from low fun
1:36 i complain about low fun. the tilapia prompt disappears as i finish the animation
1:38 i start chopping cabbage again
1:51 thunder. i finish the animation and the prompt disappears
1:53 i react to the smell
1:59 i walk a bit away and wendy comes to stand in front of the fish taco board. she reacts to the smell
2:02 she starts chopping
2:03 thunder
2:09 heather thomson is wonder if i want to go over to her house and hang out but i cannot respond. 40 minutes until i starve to death
2:18 i get a prompt to resume pan fried tilapia
2:22 it fails. the same prompt queues. milner enters the kitchen
2:26 it fails. wendy and milner react to the smell. i get a prompt to resume fish tacos
2:33 wendy pees herself. i get another tilapia prompt. 15 minutes
2:28 wendy leaves the kitchen. mimi takes her place in front of the board and complains about the dirty surroundings
2:42 i get a prompt to cook a gourmet meal but it’s too late. five minutes until i die
2:48 my bar shows I will die in 0 minutes. i get a prompt to prepare a trout meunière
2:49 i walk to the center of the kitchen and begin to die of starvation
2:52 i fall to my knees and point desperately at my mouth
2:53 i collapse on the ground in front of my fridge, motionless. the grim reaper appears in the hallway next to wendy
2:57 everyone gathers in the kitchen. milner sits down at the kitchen table. wendy reacts to her smell. sam reacts to lack of sleep
2:59 mimi complains about dirty surroundings. wendy complains about the smell of hte room
3:01 sam complains about his smell
3:04 mimi complains about the smell of the room
3:05 mimi complains about low hunger. sam complains about the smell
2:08 wendy starts crying as she witnesses my death. sam complains about low fun
3:09 mimi complains about her smell
3:13 mimi complains about her smell. sam complains about low hunger
3:14 wendy keeps sobbing. mimi complains about low fun
3:16 sam starts to sob at my death. milner complains about dirty surroundings
3:18 mimi reacts in shock at my death. she starts to sob
3:19 the grim reaper makes its way over to my body
3:22 milner reacts out of curiosity to the grim reaper
3:24 wendy and mimi react to the grim reaper. the grim reaper pulls out a tablet and starts reading a website. it looks like it might be my autopsy report
3:25 milner reacts to the smell
3:27 wendy complains about low fun
3:30 mimi sam and wendy start sobbing again once they get over the presence of the grim reaper
3:33 the grim reaper swipes to a page on the website that shows a tombstone. they put away the ipad and pull out a scythe.
3:46 the grim reaper takes my soul and thinks of a plant leaf
3:48 my body turns into an urn that sits in front of my fridge