12:00 i get the active prompt to have a water balloon fight. it disappears and i immediately stand up. i get the active prompt to sleep and think of my bed

12:05 i walk up the hallway steps and inside. i become very uncomfortable as i get the dripping blood moodlet from my period starting. mimi stands in front of the water balloon bin. i get a queued prompt to use a pad.

12:09 i stand in front of my room but get the prompt to flush the toilet. i walk down the hallway as wendy walks down too. i get the dirty surroundings moodlet which just adds to me being very uncomfortable

12:13 wendy goes into milner’s bathroom where sam is showering and reacts to him being there. i go into her bathroom and flush the toilet. i get a queued prompt to have a water balloon fight.

12:15 i put on my cold weather outfit and jog outside. milner also goes outside through the same door. sam gets dressed and exits milner’s bathroom as wendy thinks about the toilet. i lose the naturism moodlet.

12:17 wendy complains about hunger as sam complains about low bladder. i go down the steps and lose the water balloon fight prompt. i still have the queued prompt to use a pad

12:18 i get the prompt to go to the toilet and i think of it as i head back up the hallway steps to go inside. i get the notification that wendy has used a menstrual pad.

12:21 i go inside. milner complains about dirty surroundings.

12:23 i enter wendy’s bathroom at the same time as her. sam in in the hallway and complaining about lack of sleep

12:27 sam angrily rubs his stomach and thinks abut pills. i complain about dirty surroundings and then complain about wendy being there as she washes her hands.

12:28 wendy leaves the room as sam thinks about spiders. he gets a rash on his skin from the illness. i sit on the toilet and get the naturism moodlet briefly as i sit down.

12:34 i use a pad and get the neutral moodlet that i have the pad on. i lose the dripping blood moodlet. my clothes appear as i stand back up and i lose the naturism moodlet. i am now uncomfortable and not very uncomfortable. i have the prompt to flush now

12:37 i flush and think of the sink as i go and wash my hands

12:41 i wash my hands

12:47 i finish washing my hands. sam goes into milner’s bathroom to pee but complains about the dirty surroundings before he does so.

12:56 i think about my bed as i exit my bathroom and go to my room to sleep. i pass by wendy standing in the hallway and float through her

1:01 i change into my pajamas and i get into bed and fall asleep

1:12 i groan

1:19 i groan

1:24 i yawn

1:32 i dream of a gravestone. i groan

1:36 i yawn. the low energy moodlet disappears

2:03 i yawn. i get the notification that i failed neighborhood brawl day. we all did

2:24 i dream of a poisonous spider

2:29 i yawn

2:33 i groan

2:36 i groan

2:38 i groan

2:45 i dream of a cop car

2:56 i yawn

3:02 i yawn

3:!2 i talk in my sleep

3:16 i groan

3:19 i groan

3:21 i groan

3:23 i groan

3:38 i dream about a pool

3:43 i dream about a palm tree on a tiny island. i lose the tense period moodlet and instead get the uncomfortable cramping moodlet

3:54 i dream of a ghost

4:!6 i breath heavily. the animation sped up for a second

4:19 i groan

4:29 the sun rises and light enters my room

4:38 i groan twice

4:43 i yawn

4:55 i think of a whopee cusion

5:18 i think about a white creature. i have no idea what that was

5:31 i groan

6:00 the summer season starts.

6:03 i lose the cramping period moodlet and instead get the irritated period moodlet. it makes me angry but me being asleep cancels it out

6:17 i dream about being embarrassed

6:24 i groan

6:29 i groan

6:36 i yawn

6:42 i groan twice

6:55 i dream of a treasure map

7:06 i dream about a poisonous spider

7:19 i groan

7:41 i dream of a sunrise

7:53 i groan and dream of a spy watch

8:07 i yawn

8:20 i yawn

8:25 i groan

8:30 i groan and think about the palm tree and tiny island

8:39 the sleep prompt fills

8:44 i get up and pull up the covers. i immediately react to my hunger. i am uncomfortable

8:49 i stay in my pjs. i get four cooking prompts to resume pasta primavera. they all pile on top of each other and immediately x out

8:50 they all disappear at once. i stand in front of my bed

9:05 i get a failed cooking prompt. my irritated period moodlet is replaced by a nauseous period moodlet. i have the whims to buy an easel and have a water balloon fight.

9:07 cooking error

9:12 cooking error

9:22 cookign error

9:23 cooking error

9:32 cooking error

9:41 cooking error

9:46 cooking error

9:49 cooking error

9:52 cooking error

9:54 cooking error

10:03 cooking error

10:11 wendy walks into the hallway naked

10:20 cooking error

10:33 cooking error

10:38 cooking error

10:45 cooking error

10:53 cooking error

10:58 cooking error

11:01 cooking error

11:13 wendy stands in the middle of the hallway. i still stand in front of my bed

11:35 cooking error

11:44 cooking error

12:01 cooking error

12:10 cooking error. my nauseous period moodlet turns into a dizziness period moodlet

12:11 cooking error

12:28 sam walks down the hallway past wendy

12:32 cooking error. wendy complains of low fun and heads down the hall to the kitchen

12:45 cooking error

1:45 sam walks down the hallway. i remain standing in front of my bed

2:02 cooking error

2:20 cooking error

2:25 cooking error

2:28 cooking error

2:31 cooking error

2:35 cooking error

2:49 cooking error

2:52 cooking error

2:56 cooking error

2:59 cooking error

3:02 cooking error

3:05 i lose my nauseous moodlet

3:24 cooking error

3:28 i get the prompt to cook trout meunière. i get the low bladder moodlet

3:31 i exit my room and go to wendy’s fridge and stand in the puddle barefoot. mimi walking down the hallway and wendy is still naked and walking into milner’s room. i get the needs amusement moodlet from low fun levels that makes me tense as well as the scared of thunderstorms moodlet from the rain outside.

3:33 i take the fish package from the fridge and bring it into my room and the cooking prompt disappears.

3:36 i set it down on my desk and shake my shoulders

3:42 i react excitedly to nothing. i get the decorated moodlet from the good environment. i stand there

3:56 i get the queued moodlet to go to the bathroom

4:04 the bathroom moodlet activates. i get the text message from adan allende wondering if i want to go over to his house and hang out but i cannot respond.

4:05 i walk down the hallway while thinking of the toilet. i waddle.

4:11 i go into mimi’s bathroom and get the dirty surroundings moodlet. the sink is now broken in the bathroom as well. i lose the low bladder moodlet as i pee. i get naked and get he naturism moodlet but remain uncomfortable

4:16 i react to the dirty surroundings

4:23 i finish peeing and stand up and flush. my clothes reappear and i lose the naturism moodlet.

4:35 i think of the sink and get a prompt to wash my hands. i head out down the hallway.

4:30 a giant sound of thunder shakes the house. i enter the kitchen and walk through the puddles with my bare feet. sam is sitting at the table and eating yogurt and reacting to the smell. mimi is finishing p her jogurt. wendy is cooking at the stove and still naked. milner is standing next to the kitchen table.

4:32 i float through wendy as i head into my bathroom.

4:35 i wash my hands

4:38 another bolt of lighting flashes the sky and thunder rumbles. i finish washing and get a prompt to go eat a yogurt parfait and i exit my bathroom

4:43 i go and stand in front of the kitchen table

4:49 i grab the parfait in front of sam and think of it as i walk around the kitchen table. wendy is pouring her food onto a plate and thinks of it. sam reacts to dirty surroundings and milner heads into their room to sleep. i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and get the fishy stench moodlet from smelling a used pad.

4:52 i get the notification that sam now has a good reputation

4:53 i sit down at the table. wendy reacts to the smell. sam talks about the sun

4:54 i react to the smell and get the dirty surroundings moodlet and become very uncomfortable.

4:58 wendy sets her food down on the table but not in front of a seat. i start eating. mimi talks about herself.

5:00 i get the notification that sam just became good friends with wendy. sam stands up and talks about mimi and i think about mimi. wendy walks around the kitchen table

5:02 thunder shakes the house again. sam reacts to the smell

5:03 i eat and think about a stack of clean dishes. wendy thinks about a smiling mouth. mimi talks about fast food. sam thinks about the toilet

5:05 i lose my hunger moodlet. wendy thinks about a heart. sam turns around and thinks about mimi. my lowest need is now my fun need

5:07 sam reacts to the smell without thinking about it. wendy reacts tot eh smell while thinking about it. mimi thinks about a puddle

5:09 sam complains about a low bladder. mimi gets up to mop. i get the queued prompt to chat with mimi

5:12 sam and wendy think about mimi and react to a smell. she must be the one with the used menstrual pad. i react to the smell of the room. mimi starts mopping the puddle by the kitchen sink

5:16 sam scratches himself and thinks about pills. he gets hives from his illness. wendy thinks about a stethoscope and feels dizzy again

5:18 mimi finishes mopping and thinks about a new puddle and goes to mop. sam holds a hand to his forehead and thinks about cough syrup

5:21 sam thinks about the toilet and walks down the hallway. mimi starts mopping the other puddle by the kitchen sink.

5:25 i finish my food. mimi finishes mopping and thinks about another puddle and goes to mop. i get the pretty tasty moodlet but am still uncomfortable

5:27 i stand up without grabbing my dish. mimi also didn’t grab her dish. i lose the fishy stench moodlet.

5:29 i walk down the hallway and see sam waddling to milner’s room. i complain about low fun and my mood becomes scared as my fear of thunderstorms takes over.

5:32 i think about a purple scared cartoon face. my creative trait gives me a creative moodlet and i become inspired. i get the whim to buy a bar

5:41 i get the prompt to research the guitar

5:42 i think about the fancy computer and head to my room

5:47 i sit down at my desk and turn on the laptop. the reserach animation starts. i think about the bracket key.

5:51 i think about the pencil and paper.

5:54 the house shakes from thunder again. my plumbob turns yellow as my fun level increases up to yellow.

6:01 my research the guitar prompt get a prompt to play The R.E.F.U.G.E. activated above it

6:02 the gaming prompt takes over the research prompt and the laptop changes screens. the R.E.F.U.G.E. animation begins and the video gaming skill bar appears above my head

6:07 i put my forehead to my head and shake in disbelief. the laptop keeps playing the animation

6:08 i think about the alien sticking its tongue out

6:11 i think about the fancy computer.

6:16 i get the queued prompt to clean up my empty yogurt bowl from earlier. my plumbob is green again and my fun level has filled up.

6:19 the gaming prompt ends before the animation loops and the clean up prompt activates. i get up out of my chair and head out of my room.

6:21 i walk through the puddles barefoot and enter the kitchen

6:22 i think of the yogurt and pick up my dish and head to the sink in my bathroom. i get the dirty surroundings moodlet and become uncomfortable again

6:26 i pick up mimi’s dirty dish and become very uncomfortable as my nauseous period moodlet becomes stronger. i think of the sink as i go to wash the dishes.

6:29 thunder rumbles the house again i wash the dishes

6:31 i finish washing the dishes. i am no longer very uncomfortable but just uncomfortable

6:38 i get the queued prompt to polish the dirty counter to perfection. i put my hands on my hip and stretch my back

6:29 i think of the counter and exit my bathroom as the polish prompt activates

6:42 lightning flashes again. i start polishing

6:47 i get a text from gus johnson that he would like to come over and hang out but i cannot respond

6:57 i get the embarrassed moodlet from my used menstrual pad smelling

6:59 i finish polishing and hold my hand to my chest and think about a baby bottle

7:01 i get the queued prompt to empty the trash and i think about the black trash can in the kitchen.

7:02 the prompt activates

7:04 i pick the garbage bag out of the trash can with my bare hands and think about the garbage bin outside. sam is napping in the living area. milner is playing video games on the ipad on the couch opposite sam.

7:07 i exit out the front door and walk outside barefoot.

7:11 i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and i become inspired. i get the whim to propose a crazy scheme to someone. i jog over and around the white gate to get to the side area where the garbage bins are.

7:14 i drop the trash on the ground rather than in the bin and get the prompt to run inside. i freak out

7:18 i run inside of the house and i lose my inspired whim as i become scared. my afraid of thunder moodlet has taken over.

7:20 i walk up the stairs and enter through the front door.

7:21 i get inspired as i go inside and the whim to buy a bar appears. the run inside prompt is completed and vanishes.

7:23 i get the dirty surroundings moodlet and become uncomfortable. i stand in the foyer

7:25 i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and become inspired. i get the whim to cook a gourmet meal. milner has ingredients and is walking to the counter. wendy is naked and in front of her fridge.

7:29 i see mimi mopping in milner’s bathroom. wendy grabs popcorn from the fridge and sits down at the kitchen table to eat. i get the dirty surroundings moodlet again and lose my inspired whim as i become uncomfortable.

7:33 thunder shakes the house again. milner thinks of pepto bismol and wendy thinks about fancy food

7:35 mimi exits milners bathroom and goes to her bathroom to mop. my plumbob turns yellow as my hunger bar turns yellow

7:46 wendy thinks about fancy food

7:50 i get the prompt to prepare trout meunière. mimi has walked to the kitchen and is now mopping the puddle in front of my and her fridge.

7:53 i walk to my room and grab the fish package from my desk. i lose my dirty surroundings moodlet and become inspired

7:55 i exit my room and stand barefoot in the puddles by the kitchen

7:56 i put down the fish packet on the ground. i react to the smell and get the dirty surroundings moodlet. i become uncomfortable

8:00 i get a queued prompt to cook

8:03 the prompt activates and i go to make a garden salad. i leave the fish on the ground. wendy is sitting down naked and eating. mimi is in front of our fridge and reacting to her lack of hygiene.

8:04 wendy thinks of a giant squid. i walk to the counter

8:06 wendy gets up and gets dressed. milner is stretching their back by the counter. mimi reacts to the smell. sam is yawning in the living area.

8:08 i go up to the unfinished garden salad and the prompt deactivates before i do anything. wendy reacts to her lack of hygiene

8:10 wendy complains about needing fun. i think of a baby bottle

8:11 i think of a baby toy. sam reacts to the smell and goes to mimi’s and my fridge.

8:17 mimi thinks of sam and then of me. sam gets ingredients to cook. i stay in front of the counter

8:22 wendy goes to play with the ipad in the living room but instead sets it down and goes to look at some art on the wall.

8:25 mimi reacts to the smell. milner is standing by the sink and hasn’t moved. sam brought his ingredients to milner’s room instead of the counter.

8:27 mimi complains about her lack of hygiene

8:31 mimi thinks about me. i get a queued prompt to resume garlic noodles. my whims are to buy an easel and to have a water balloon fight

8:35 mimi starts to mop by our fridge.

8:37 sam walks back into the kitchen sans ingredients. milner thinks of their bed and finally leaves to sleep. mimi finishes mopping and thinks of me. I’m still standing at the counter

8:40 i react to the smell. sam reacts to the dirty surroundings

8:42 the prompt activates and i set off to finish cooking garlic noodles. sam thinks of me. mimi thinks of the popcorn as she picks up wendy’s plate to clean it.

8:47 i walk into milner’s room as they lay down to sleep. i pick up the ingredients that sam just left there

8:50 i go back to the kitchen. sam has finished making the garden salad that I couldn’t touch. he complains about being hungry

8:53 wendy is back in the living room. she goes to play with the ipad but just sets it back down again. mimi and sam react to the smell

8:56 i react to the smell

8:59 i start cooking. i excitedly chop vegetables with a knife in each hand.

9:01 i accidentally cut too deep and a knife gets stuck in the cutting board. i use the other knife and manage to force it out.

9:02 i chap up some bell peppers with one knife this time.

9:04 i lose my cramps moodlet from my period but remain uncomfortable due to the dirty surroundings. the cooking prompt disappears and i stand in front of the chopped bell peppers. sam has left the garden salad at the counter and went to make more food but he brought it to milner’s room again.

9:07 mimi starts mopping the puddle behind me

9:11 wendy manages to start playing the ipad in the living room

9:16 mimi mops another puddle

9:21 i get a queued prompt to resume the blt that sam set down in milner’s room. mimi thinks of another puddle and goes to mop.

9:23 the blt prompt disappears. i get a prompt to cook my garlic noodles.

9:26 i bring the ingredients to the stove. mimi complains about her lack of hygiene

9:31 mimi thinks of the shower and goes to shower. i complain about dirty surroundings as i put ingredients into a pot

9:37 sam brings ingredients to the counter. i season the pot

9:41 sam brings the ingredients back to milner’s room. i use a wooden spoon and lift the pot in the air to stir it.

9:46 i take the pot to the counter. the prompt disappears before i can put it on a plate

9:48 i go and set the pot back on the stove. i stand in front of it

9:50 i react to dirty surroundings

9:51 i stretch my back. thunder shakes the house

9:54 wendy leaves the living room area and walks through the kitchen down the hallway

9:59 sam walks through the kitchen and to the living room. he sits down on the grey couch and naps

10:06 wendy brings ingredients from milner’s room to the counter and starts cooking. i’m still standing in front of the stove.

10:11 i get the fishy stench from my used menstrual pad and i become very uncomfortable. i react to the smell. i’ve lost both of my inspired moodlets and am just left with my fear of thunderstorms. i stand there

10:19 i think of wendy. wendy thinks about hating piles of empty dishes

10:21 i wave my hand in front of my face. i think wendy smells

10:36 wendy and i react to the smell

10:30 mimi enters the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn to clean. wendy complains about her lack of hygiene.

10:35 i get a failed cooking error

10:37 i react to wendy’s smell. mimi reacts to the room’s smell

10:41 wendy finishes her blt. she thinks of mimi and walks over to chat

10:42 i react to the smell and wendy reacts to the dirty surroundings

10:46 wendy and mimi don’t chat. mimi reacts to wendy’s smell

10:48 wendy reacts to the dirty surroudings again. i think of the fancy computer and get the prompt to play The R.E.F.U.G.E.

10:53 i start walking to my room but stop to react to wendy’s smell. the computer prompt disappears. thunder shakes the house.

10:55 wendy and mimi are chatting. wendy talks about a fountain pen

10:57 i react to the smell of the room. i stand in place

11:03 i get a prompt to use the ipad  but as i walk over i react to wendy’s smell again and the prompt disappears.

11:04 mimi thinks of the toilet and goes to pee. she walks down the hallway

11:18 i get a prompt to play The R.E.F.U.G.E. again. i think of the fancy computer and head to my room. i lose the fishy stench moodlet and switch from very uncomfortable to uncomfortable

11:22 i sit down at my computer and turn on my laptop. i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and become scared as thunder shakes the house.

11:23 i put a finger up in the air and think of the bracket key.

11:24 i start typing on the laptop

11:30 i think of a purple scared emoji. i look around nervously

11:32 i think of a video game controller and resume typing. i get the decorated moodlet from the good environment but i remain scared.

11:36 i talk out loud. i sound frustrated with the game

11:38 i think about children’s toy blocks.

11:42 i think of the fancy computer. the animation on the laptop loops

11:46 i give a big sigh and think of the video game controller

11:48 i think of the bracket key

11:53 i exclaim out loud in frustration again

11:58 i lean side to side as i play