12:05 i groan
12:10 i yawn
12:16 i groan
12:21 i yawn
12:23 i groan
12:28 i yawn
12:33 i dream of a gravestone
12:37 i groan
12:41 i yawn
12:45 thunder shakes the house. i dream of a whoopee cushion
12:51 i yawn
12:53 i yawn
1:06 i groan
1:16 i yawn
1:20 i groan
1:22 i dream of a whoopee cushion
1:27 i groan
1:33 i wake up and get out of bed. i have the Really Have to Pee moodlet that woke me up, and i am very uncomfortable
1:38 i complain about having to pee
1:40 we get the I’ll Get Around To It! achievement. we now have ten broken items on the home’s Lot. the stove has now broken. i waddle out of my room to pee
1:44 i exit my room and waddle past milner, who has passed out on the ground in the same position
1:45 as i pass milner i lose the prompt to use the restroom
1:47 i react to the smell. wendy was mopping in her and mimi’s bathroom and she now walks down the hall
1:48 milner wakes up and stands up
1:50 i waddle through milner and to the sink in my bathroom to get water. milner complains about lack of sleep
1:51 wendy starts to mop the puddle by her broken fridge. i waddle barefoot through the puddle in front of my fridge. sam is chopping up ingredients on the counter.
1:57 i make it to my restroom. sam cuts his finger while chopping and reacts loudly.
1:59 i get water from my sink
2:00 i think of the water as i exit my sink
2:03 i waddle into the kitchen. wendy is mopping in front of my fridge. sam is stretching his back in front of his ingredients
2:05 i sit down at the kitchen table. sam cuts his finger again. i have the lonely moodlet that makes me gloomy from having a low social bar, but it is overwhelmed by my other moodlets and i become very uncomfortable.
2:08 i stand up again. i react to the dirty surroundings
2:13 i sit down again and think of my water. wendy finishes mopping and thinks of a new puddle as she walks down the hall. milner just peed themselves standing in the same spot again. sam finishes his BLT and stares at it on the counter.
2:14 i drink my water
2:17 i stand up as i get a queued prompt to have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable sam
2:18 i pick up my water glass as Sam thinks of me
2:21 i walk over to stand in front of Sam and the prompt activates. we chat while i sip my water
2:24 i complain about having to go to the bathroom and then complain about my smell. thunder shakes the house
2:28 sam talks about me as i walk a few steps and then turn around again.
2:30 i react to the smell. wendy walks down the hallway bu heads back
2:31 sam walks to the kitchen table and sits down.
2:34 i finish the water and the prompt disappears. chatting with sam becomes the active prompt but i get an emergency prompt that queues to have a bladder failure.
2:37 i sit down at the kitchen table with sam
2:38 i stand up again
2:43 i set the water glass down on the ground and complain about having to use the restroom. the red bladder failure prompt activates and i pee myself
2:47 a puddle appears below me. i get the embarrassed moodlet from peeing myself
2:49 i slump my shoulders and shake my arms a bit
2:55 i get a queued prompt to drink my water
2:59 sam stands up from the table and we both react to the smell at the same time.
3:02 the prompt activates and i reach down to grab my drink
3:04 i think of my drink as i sip my water
3:07 sam gets cheese crackers from my and mimi’s fridge.
3:08 i finish my drink and think of my sink as i get the prompt to wash my glass. i start walking to the sink in my and sam’s bathroom. i get the smooth sipping moodlet from my water but remain uncomfortable
3:09 i enter the bathroom. sam sits down at the table and starts eating.
3:14 my dirty surroundings changes to bad surroundings and my embarrassment from peeing takes over. i become very embarrassed and get the whim to share my insecurities with someone. i wash my dish
3:17 i finish washing my dish and complain about a broken heart. i get the queued prompt to hide from everyone in my bed. i kick my feet against the ground
3:20 the prompt activates as I think of my bed and exit my bathroom.
3:23 i go to my room. sam is still eating in the kitchen and wendy and milner are chatting in the hallway. milner still hasn’t moved.
3:28 i climb into bed and pull the covers over me. i hide it out
3:43 i finish hiding out and get out of bed. i get a queued prompt to bake
3:44 i get a prompt to bake a sourdough loaf
3:46 i exit my room. milner is passed out on the ground again in the same position.
3:49 i get ingredients from milner / wendy / sam’s fridge. i take the ingredients into my room
3:52 i put the ingredients on my desk. i stand there
3:57 milner wakes up outside and complains about lack of sleep
4:10 sam walks through the hallway to the bathroom
4:13 i get a failed prompt to cook. it ends in an error
4:14 another cooking prompt queues
4:15 cooking error
4:16 another prompt
4:22 cooking error. another prompt queues
4:28 cooking error. i complain about my smell. I smell myself and I put a hand on my face to prevent myself from throwing up. another cooking prompt queues
4:31 cooking error
5:12 i get the hungry moodlet but i remain very embarrassed. outside, milner complains about a lack of fun
5:15 milner complains about low hunger
5:21 milner complains about their smell
5:43 cooking error
5:47 sam starts mopping outside as milner passes out from exhaustion onto his mop.
5:49 cooking error
5:50 cooking error
5:59 sam finishes mopping and walks down the hallway to the kitchen. i lose my embarrassment from peeing and become uncomfortable again. i lose my embarrassed whim.
6:07 milner gets up outside. i keep standing
6:09 milner complains about needing sleep
6:12 milner complains about the smell
6:15 sam starts mopping a puddle in the hallway
6:28 cooking error
6:51 cooking error
6:53 cooking error
6:59 sam walks through the hallway to the kitchen
7:00 cooking error
7:03 cooking error. another prompt queues
7:04 cooking error
7:06 milner complains outside and thinks of pepto bismol
7:10 i lose the smooth sipping moodlet
7:11 cooking error
7:12 cooking error
7:15 cooking error
7:20 cooking error
7:31 milner complains about low hunger outside.
7:35 cooking error
7:39 cooking error
7:57 milner passes out from exhaustion in the hallway. i’m still standing in the same position
7:59 cooking error
8:02 cooking error
8:07 cooking error
8:16 milner wakes up and complains of lack of sleep. i get a cooking error
8:20 milner complains about their smell
8:24 cooking error
8:26 cooking error
8:34 cooking error
8:41 sam walks down the hallway to the bathrooms
8:47 cooking error
8:48 cooking error. another prompt queues. it fully activates but becomes an error
8:49 cooking error
8:51 cooking error
8:55 mimi walks down the hall and moonwalks in place a bit. milner yawns and thinks about pepto-bismol.
8:56 mimi finally walks through the hallway and down to the kitchen
9:18 sam walks down the hallway to the kitchen
9:23 cooking error
9:34 cooking error
9:47 cooking error
9:48 the Landgraab Power Company has shut off the power to our house. we have 24 hours to pay our bills until the water is also shut off. i get a queued prompt to grab chips
9:50 the prompt activates and i exit my room.
9:52 i go to milner / wendy / sam’s fridge and grab chips. mimi is mopping up a puddle in front of our fridge.
9:54 milner complains about hunger. i think about my chips and go to the kitchen table
9:57 i get the filthy surroundings moodlet and i become very uncomfortable. i react to the dirty surroundings before i sit down.
9:58 mimi finishes mopping and goes to the area by the kitchen sink to mop. i react to the smell in the room
10:03 i think about my chips as i sit down and eat.
10:04 i think about vegetables
10:06 i lose the hungry moodlet but remain very uncomfortable
10:09 mimi finishes mopping the sink area and goes to mop around wendy’s fridge.
10:19 mimi walks down the hallway to keep mopping. milner is passed out in the hallway again
10:21 i think of vegetables again
10:23 milner gets up
10:24 milner complains about their smell
10:27 milner complains about lack of sleep
10:30 i finish eating my chips. i get a queued prompt to clean up. i get the pretty tasty moodlet.
10:33 i think of my sink as i pick up bowl. the prompt changes to going to wash my dish and i head to my bathroom
10:39 i start washing my dish
10:45 i finish washing my dish. i get a queued prompt to go hug milner
10:51 the prompt activates as i think about milner and leave the bathroom. i am going to have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable milner
10:55 i almost get to the hall before i make a u-turn and the prompt disappears. i complain of a broken heart, that signifies loneliness
10:58 i wave my arms in the air and exclaim like I’m asking someone to pay attention
11:00am i get the activated prompt to go have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable mimi. i think of her as i walk down the hallway to the bathrooms. i walk past milner who is still standing in the same position
11:04 i walk barefoot into her and wendy’s bathroom. the entire floor is covered in dirty puddles. mimi has finally become filthy as well and she is covered in dirt and grime like the rest of us.
11:06 i walk through mimi to the corner of the back of the bathroom and turn around to chat. i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and go from very uncomfortable to uncomfortable
11:07 i get the bad surroundings moodlet and immediately become very uncomfortable again
11:11 i talk about a man with a lampshade over his head
11:13 i complain of my smell and mimi leaves the bathroom. thinking of a toilet. she walks into milner’s bathroom to pee.
11:16 i get a failed prompt that I don’t see in time and i start to slump my shoulders and complain of loneliness again.
11:25 mimi complains about her smell and her hunger in the other bathroom
11:28 i get the prompt to have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable sam. i think of him as i exit the bathroom and walk down the hall. mimi complains about her smell
11:32 i moonwalk in the same place that mimi was stuck in earlier on my way down the hallway
11:33 i break free and enter the kitchen. wendy is naked and covered in dirt and eating at the kitchen table. sam is standing in the entryway outside of his room
11:35 sam complains of the smell of the house as i walk up to him
11:36 wendy thinks of herself as mimi also enters the kitchen. i walk in front of sam and we start chatting
11:37 i complain of the smell
11:38 sam complains of the smell too
11:40 mimi complains about the smell. wendy complains about the smell. i think of sam
11:42 mimi picks up an empty bowl from the kitchen table and thinks of it as she goes to clean it. she sets it down again. wendy joins in our conversation. she is also very uncomfortable
11:46 i talk about a marble bust of a woman
11:54 sam talks about grilled cheese
11:57 i start to say something but then sam walks away from me thinking of a bed
12:00 i think about an angry mouth
12:02 sam walks to the living room but then walks back to me.
12:03 wendy and sam complain about the smell. i walk a few steps
12:05 i also complain about the smell
12:07 sam thinks of the bed and walks to the living room again
12:09 i get a text message from jenny allende that she would like to come over to hang out but i cannot respond. mimi thinks of peas and she gets ingredients from our fridge. milner complains about their hunger. sam takes a nap on the beige couch and disappears from the conversation. wendy addresses me.
12:12 wendy talks about fancy food as i walk into the kitchen. mimi sets down her peas at the kitchen table
12:14 wendy thinks about herself as mimi and i both sit down at the kitchen table. milner passes out on the ground in the same spot
12:18 i get the queued prompt to mop
12:19 i talk about the fancy computer. wendy thinks about medication. mimi complains about the smell
12:21 mimi thinks about herself
12:23 the mopping prompt activates and i stand up. it rests on top of the chat with wendy prompt, so i might be doing both at once
12:24 the conversation bar disappears but my prompt to chat with wendy does not. i think of a puddle
12:25 i start mopping the puddle by my and mimi’s fridge. the conversation prompt with wendy finally disappears
12:33 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle. milner wakes up in the hallway and complains about lack of sleep
12:36 i go into my bathroom and start mopping by my shower
12:45 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle and exit my bathroom. wendy is complaining about the smell of the room and milner is complaining about their own smell.
12:47 i start mopping the puddle by the kitchen sink
12:53 wendy gets up. mimi complains about the smell
12:57 wendy walks into the living room and picks up the ipad only to put it down. i finish mopping and think of a new puddle
1:00 wendy complains about her dirty surroundings. i start mopping the puddle that reformed by my broken fridge again
1:01 wendy complains about lack of fun
1:05 wendy complains about her smell and milner complains about the smell of the room
1:08 mimi gets up from the table. she finished her peas
1:09 mimi complains about the smell. i finish mopping and think of a new puddle
1:12 mimi thinks about her peas. i start mopping a puddle by wendy’ fridge
1:13 mimi picks up her bowl and it turns into a garbage bag. she thinks about a stand-alone sink.
1:16 mimi picks up some more dirty dishes in the kitchen
1:23 wendy thinks about the ipad and picks it up. mimi finishes picking up all of the dirty dishes and now thinks about the trash can in the kitchen.
1:26 wendy puts down the ipad. i finish mopping and think of a new puddle. mimi complains about her smell
1:28 i walk over to my bathroom and start mopping a puddle by my shower. a glitch happens and i become naked. i have no dirt on me anymore. i get the naturism moodlet but remain very uncomfortable
1:38 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle. i start mopping the puddle right next to the previous one
1:47 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle. i start mopping another puddle in my bathroom
1:52 i get the feeling uncreative moodlet from not using my creative trait and it makes me tense. i remain very uncomfortable
1:56 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle as i exit my bathroom. mimi is emptying the trash and taking it to the outside garbage bin. milner finally moved and is sitting down eating food at the kitchen table. sam is napping on the couch. wendy is naked and playing a game on the ipad
2:04 i walk through the kitchen down the hall to mimi and wendy’s bathroom. i start mopping a puddle in there
2:12 i finish mopping and think of a new puddle. i mop another in the bathroom
2:22 i finish and think of the next. i start mopping again
2:30 i lose the pretty tasty moodlet and gain the low battery moodlet from a low energy bar
2:31 i finish mopping and think of the next puddle as i start mopping again
2:41 i finish mopping and think of the next. i mop another puddle in the bathroom.
2:50 i finish mopping and think of the next puddle. i mop again
3:00 i finish mopping and think of the next puddle. I keep mopping in the bathroom
3:08 i finish mopping all of the puddles in wendy and mimi’s bathroom. i think of a new puddle as i walk to milner’s bathroom
3:11 i start mopping a puddle in milner’s bathroom
3:16 i stop and the prompt disappears. with no new prompt i start walking down the hall
3:18 i stop after a few steps and complain about my smell. mimi is walking down the hall towards me.
3:23 i slump my shoulders and shake it out.
3:24 i complain about lack of energy
3:28 i complain about loneliness
3:30 i complain about having to use the bathroom
3:37 i get a queued prompt to go use the toilet
3:43 the prompt remains queued and instead i get a prompt that activates below it to flush a toilet. i waddle down the hallway
3:51 i walk through the kitchen and into my bathroom. sam is playing on the ipad in the living room and milner is sleeping on the ottoman.
3:54 i flush the toilet and think of it as i sit down and pee. i lose the feeling uncreative moodlet
4:06 i finish peeing. i stand up and flush. i remain naked. my plumbob turns orange
4:08 i think of the sink and turn around and wash my hands
4:11 i finish washing my hands
4:13 i get a queued prompt to have a casual discussion with a very uncomfortable wendy and sam. my whims change to wanting to view a piece of art and wanting to become inspired. i don’t move
4:17 i react to my dirty surroundings
4:19 the prompt activates and i walk out of my bathroom thinking of sam
4:21 the the conversation bar disappears and the prompt icon briefly changes to mimi before it disappears. sam has gotten up from the living room and is walking away. wendy is still at the living room, seated on the grey couch and is thinking about being embarrassed
4:22 i think of my bed and get the prompt to nap
4:26 i enter my room. sam starts mopping in the kitchen
4:29 i lay on top of my covers and fall asleep naked.
4:39 i groan
4:41 i groan
4:43 i yawn
4:46 i groan
5:07 i yawn. green stink waves are emanating off of me
5:17 i groan
5:21 i groan
5:31 i groan. i lose the low energy moodlet
5:38 i groan
5:42 i yawn
5:46 i get a queued prompt to go look at sam’s rug
5:52 i groan
5:59 i groan
6:04 i groan
6:08 i yawn
6:13 i groan
6:15 i groan
6:21 i wake up. i am sad from my lonely moodlet. it’s from my low social bar. i get the sad whim of wanting to call someone on the phone
6:22 i get up and the prompt to look at sam’s rug activates. i think of the rug as i exit out of the room
6:26 i walk naked to sam’s room
6:28 i achieve the look at a piece of art whim and i get 25 life points. it gets replaced with the prompt to cloudgaze with mimi. i become very uncomfortable for a second
6:29 i become sad again. my fun bar starts to fill as i look at the art. i get the new sad whim of wanting to complain about my problems
6:31 the prompt to look at the art ends and i complain about loneliness. all of the complaints about low needs are accompanied by actions of waving into the air and asking for help. we are asking for the help of someone who isn’t there
6:33 i wave my arm in the air some more
6:34 i get the prompt to have a casual discussion with an uncomfortable mimi bower and i think of her as i exit sam’s room. sam is in the kitchen with ingredients to cook and wendy is still sitting on the grey couch in the living room
6:38 sam sets down the ingredients and reacts negatively to wendy’s nudity. wendy thinks of sam
6:42 i walk through the kitchen to the back door through the laundry room. i walk outside into the sun for the first time in ages. mimi and milner are sitting on two of the backyard chairs by the hedge.
6:44 i get the hungry moodlet and become uncomfortable again. i lose my sad whim.
6:46 i stand in front of mimi. she complains about the smell
6:48 milner gets up from the chair and complains about having to go to the bathroom.
6:49 i get a text message from adan allende wondering if i want to go over to his house and hang out. i cannot respond. i talk to mimi about a fountain pen
6:51 milner turns around and reacts in shock to my nudity
6:54 milner reacts to the smell. i sit down on the chair where milner was sitting
6:56 mimi stands up and reacts in shock ot my nudity. i react to the dirty surroundings. milner thinks of the bathroom
7:00 milner leaves to go to the bathroom. they walk behind wendy’s car. i complain about my smell
7:04 mimi talks about a hand truck. i complain about my hunger
7:08 the conversation bar disappears and the prompt gets taken over by a prompt to make a garden salad. mimi thinks about a thumbs down as i get up and start walking towards the house
7:13 i enter through the laundry room back door and walk through that and my bathroom to the kitchen
7:17 i enter the kitchen. sam is making a garden salad at the counter. wendy is still sitting at the grey couch. there’s a skill bar over her head that hasn’t faded
7:19 i react to the dirty surroundings as i walk to stand in front of wendy / milner / sam’s fridge
7:21 i open the fridge and get ingredients. milner waddles down the hallway towards me.
7:26 i set my ingredients down on the counter next to sam. sam has finished and is staring at the bowl on the counter, complaining about his hunger. wendy has moved to the red chair by the television but the stuck skill bar remains
7:30 i float through the counter a bit before walking back to the kitchen table with my ingredients. sam leaves his bowl on the counter and goes to the living room. milner walks to the entryway
7:32 i set my ingredients down on the kitchen table. milner naps on the ottoman that’s in the entryway that is covered in clutter right now irl. sam is sitting down on the grey couch next to wendy and is chatting with her. wendy talks about art.
7:34 sam complains about the smell. i stand in front of the kitchen counter
7:36 wendy complains about the smell. sam complains about lack of sleep
7:38 sam stands up in the living room. he reacts in shock to my nudity
7:41 wendy talks about a smartphone. sam complains about lack of fun.
7:44 sam sits down again and keeps chatting with wendy
7:53 i get a queued prompt to resume my garden salad
7:55 i get the low energy moodlet
7:58 sam talks about a dresser with wendy
7:59 the prompt to resume my garden salad activates
8:02 wendy complains about the smell
8:03 sam wendy and i complain about the smell all at the same time
8:06 i pick up my ingredients off the ground. sam stands up. he reacts to wendy’s nudity
8:08 wendy complains about her smell. i start cooking
8:11 i get the knife stuck in my cutting board
8:13 i pause cooking to complain about the smell
8:16 i wave my knives around. sam keeps standing up and sitting down next to wendy
8:19 i complain about the smell. sam gets popcorn out of the fridge
8:20 wendy complains about the smell too. sam glitches to the table and sets it down to eat. i get the gourmand moodlet from cooking, which makes me inspired, but i’m still very uncomfortabl
8:24 i get the true chef moodlet from cooking. it also boosts inspired but doesn’t change my mood. i get my knife stuck in the cutting board again. wendy is looking around quizzically
8:28 i complain of loneliness and wave my hands in the air asking for someone to listen. sam reacts in shock to wendy’s nudity
8:29 my cooking prompt x’s out and disappears. sam reacts to the smell
8:32 i leave the ingredients on the table as i get a new prompt to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
8:33 i float through sam’s arm as i walk to the kitchen table. mimi enters the kitchen from the hallway
8:35 wendy stands up in the family room. sam complains of low fun. i think about my sandwich
8:39 i pick up my sandwich. wendy walks to the kitchen from the living room. sam thinks about the ipad
8:39 mimi reacts to wendy’s nudity. i walk to the living room
8:42 mimi reacts to the smell. i think about myself as i begin to eat my sandwich
8:43 wendy reacts to the dirty surroundings. i lose my hungry moodlet but remain very uncomfortable
8:45 mimi complains about her smell. sam sits down next to me on the grey couch with the ipad but then stands up immediately and sets it down
8:47 wendy complains to the smell of the room. sam thinks about a poster as he leaves the living room to go view it.
8:49 mimi picks up the garden salad from the counter and looks at it. i look around as i eat my sandwich with an oddly pained look on my face. sam enters his room and mimi walks to the living room to join me
8:51 wendy starts cooking and nicks her finger. i react to the smell of the room
8:53 mimi thinks of the garden salad as she sits next to me on the grey couch and begins to eat
8:54 my sandwich plate disappears and i complain about lack of sleep
9:03 i complain about my smell. my sandwich is gone but the prompt remains
9:05 i complain about loneliness. wendy levels up her cooking skill
9:06 i pull my sandwich out from behind me and begin eating again
9:13 mimi scoots over as i get a queued prompt to have a casual discussion with her. she is very uncomfortable. sam enters the living room and sits on the beige couch. he pulls out his popcorn and begins to eat
9:16 i react to the smell. wendy thinks about sam and heads over
9:20 wendy reacts to the smell and then sits next to sam on the beige couch
9:22 mimi talks about the sprinkle cupcake. wendy thinks about sam
9:24 i get the pretty tasty moodlet and i become inspired. i finish my meal and my plate empties and my prompt disappears. now i am just talking to mimi. i get the inspired whim of wanting to view a piece of art
9:25 i set my dish on the floor. mimi thinks about a pile of empty dishes. wendy talks about herself and sam thinks of me
9:28 i sit back down next to mimi. she finishes her garden salad
9:30 mimi stands up and also places her plate on the ground. shes comes to sit back down next to me again. wendy talks about trash
9:32 i talk about music and mimi reacts to the smell. i make a so-so gesture with my hands
9:36 sam talks about two broken rings. i assume that means he’s talking about a divorce.
9:37 milner wakes up from their nap in the entryway and walks back to the kitchen. i get the queued prompt to sleep
9:38 i talk about a hand truck. milner reacts to my. nudity
9:39 sam thinks of himself
9:44 i stand up and think about my bed as i head over to my room. mimi stands up and react in shock to wendy’s nudity. i get the needs amusement moodlet from low fun levels that makes me feel tense but i remain inspired.
9:45 wendy sits down on the red couch and sam stands up. milner thinks about pepto bismol
9:47 i enter my room
9:50 i change into my pajamas and get under the covers. i lose the dirty surroundings moodlet and i also lose the naturism moodlet
9:51 i fall asleep
9:53 i get up and think of a hang glider. the dirt and grime reappear on me. now it says i am asleep.
10:01 i get back under the covers and fall asleep.
10:05 i laugh
10:09 i yawn
10:17 i dream of a bald eagle
10:19 i wake up and get out of bed. i have the new inspired moodlet of wanting to cook a meal
10:22 i complain about my smell. i wave my arms asking for help
10:24 i complain about low fun
10:28 i look around contemplating my room. i get the decorated moodlet from my surroundings and it boosts my inspired. i stand there looking around
10:52 i get the prompt to sleep and i think of a pool as i get under the covers and fall asleep
11:02 i groan
11:11 i yawn
11:18 i laugh in my sleep
11:23 i yawn
11:30 i yawn
11:32 i laugh
11:36 i groan
11:46 i dream of a white stuffed rabbit looking toy
11:51 i laugh