12:00 they were in my car gonna put on keyring

12:05 put on ring took meds put wendys pants back in her room. so tired goodnight

9:57 at work !

10:09 i post to instagram. next is to update the website. gonna try n log into again

10:24 updated website making a meme for the instagram

10:26 with the speed of this computer its gonna take me six hours to make this meme

11:29 i made two memes! i sent an email asking if I could make the twitter more casual. These are good memes.

11:54 i heard there’s a gallery walkthrough coming up soon. makes me think about how i walked around in circles during our relationship. funny thing about art is that it’s so easy to take for granted, just like I took you for granted the whole time we were together. crazy how craft contemporary reminds me how temporary you were in my life. i guess life’s just like that. hope you’re doing well

11:59 I’m so good at this. our twitter is gonna be so much fun to run

12:50 now video editing. this is my home.

1:35 i catch up in obey me while editing. suzanne is teaching a class behind me. i want to take my lunch in like 30min. maybe i should take it now. i haven’t eaten besides a slice of bread this morning.

1:36 lunch time

2:10 back

3:29 suzanne leaves for the day. she approved my memes teehee. i am so excited. I’m gonna ruin this museum.

3:30 suzanne closes the windows and turns off the humidifier for me.

11:54 i heard there’s

11:37 im freaking out about touching things again oh no. oh no. fuck. my hands feel so dirty. i. jsjdjjsjsjdjdjjdjd theyre so dirty. i have to stay strong. if i touch things rn its reassurance seeking but i also need to practice maintenance how do i know when which is which ? i dont know i dont know i dont know. im so scared